Friday, December 14, 2007

I think it's about time I write a new post. Or I just may lose my challenge to DH!

Thing is, its year ending and my work does pick up now considering Im helping budget next years financials. Its very interesting, trust me...

Anyways I shall think of something interesting, already have a few ideas! So hold on...

Friday, November 16, 2007

Om Shanthi Om

There are two kinds of movie-goers in India. The first kind, that I feel is more predominant, just want an out-and-out masala movie with all the colors, glamour, big movie stars, and larger-than-life feel to it. Then you have the other kind who want to see something meaningful, something which they can learn from, or something that will give them food for thought.

Om Shanthi Om is a sure shot winner with the former category but a let down with the latter category. Okay there has to be another category, which is where I fall, of viewers who want a little bit of both. Whatever it may be, you can't fail to appreciate the beautiful sets; Manish Malhotra and Karan Johar's costumes.

The story, unfortunately, is distorted to me. Okay I buy the whole reincarnation theme. What I don't understand is why ony Shah Rukh Khan is reincarnated and not Deepika Padukone. While Om is able to remember his past and 'born with a vengeance'. Why is Shanthi's double just that - her double; and not her reincarnation.

The next topic that must be discussed - Shah Rukh Khan's abs! Face it, he is another middle-aged man who instead of buying a sports car or a condo, ends up building abs that don't even suit his personality. Of course, that's cause he already has the sports cars and the condos. But guess what Shah Rukh, your face gives it all away! Now this is where I stop or I know Ill get a howler from my friend G! (one of those die hard SRK fans that still cries when she sees Kuch Kuch Hota Hai)

Newcomer Deepika Padukone impressed me. Her first scene didn't srike a cord with me. But through the movie she improved; and looked great and acted decently. Atleast she had a variety of expressions (Watch out Aishwaya Rai.. or is it Aishwara Bachan?)

The highlight of the movie for me - The Om Shathi Om song.. Oh yeah, I mean the second one 'cause I think there were 3 or 4 of them- The one after SRK wins the film awards. That was 5 minutes that kept me guessing which star would appear next. I think Farah Khan sent out an open invitation for anyone and everyone in the industry to guest-appear and those that accepted were present in the song. Nevertheless, that was the most entertaining bit for me and DH & I had the most fun in the movie only then.

Overall we would have been happy watching the movie on a 2 dollar DVD rather than spending 25 dollars for the tickets and our usual popcorn (with looots of butter!) But why cry over spilt milk!?

Oh and I can't tell you how packed the theatre was. In fact, I've never seen so many Indians in one place in US before. Well, I guess we're all suckers for the glitz & glam of the movies!

Special Thanks to my girl friends who read my blog and pointed out my error! Sorry Ms. Farah Khan!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Reminiscing Diwali

A very Happy Diwali to all!

God how I wish we could celebrate Diwali with family back home. In fact its our Thalai Diwali (First Diwali after marriage), which would mean extra celebration! Instead, we woke up this morning, had our nalla-ennai-thechu Diwali bath, wore new clothes, got into the car and came to work..

While I didnt think it would bother me so much; sitting in my desk (with no work to do) makes me reminisce Diwali back home. The traditional Diwali day would go like this - Wake up at about 5 or sometime earlier to crackers being burst just below our flat. It's the boys that get up earlier than dawn so that they can get the satisfaction of waking people up by bursting crackers, and the louder ones at that, like the atom and hydrogen bomb. But never mind that, its Diwali! So we hurry up and take bath one by one. Amma reminds us that we have to rub nalla ennai (gingelly oil) on our heads and faces (Superstition - Otherwise we'll be born next life as a monkey!) Then I rush to join my friends in my flat so we can show off our new clothes and then of course burst crackers!!! I like the less noisier ones and the more showier ones. like flowerpots, chakras, cable car (yes there's somehting like that!) Then the poojai starts in our tiny vinayakar temple in front of the flat. We like to pray, but its the prasadam that lures us there.. :) Rest of the day is spent visiting relatives and friends and of course the best part - Bakshanam! Yes thats the magic word - Sweets and savouries are distributed left, right and centre which results in a whole collection of bakshanam that is just waiting to be sampled.

Hmmmppphh.. yes that was a long sigh. But you know what, there'll be many more Diwalis. And DH and I vowed yestreday to visit our family for the Diwalis to come.. Well, some of 'em atleast.. And we get to take part in the extravagant Christmas festivities here!

So to all those of you spending Diwali away from home (like us), Happy Diwali! and may your spirits not be dampened because thats what Diwali's about - being happy for all we have (and to pray for more!). And to all you folks celebrating Diwali with your family.. Know that you're lucky and make the most out of it!


Monday, November 5, 2007

Just don't get it!

Saturday morning.. Just another weeknd for hubby & I.. which means we watch one of the blocbuster movies that got shipped in the last week..
This time DH picked out the movie - Turistas.. Oh my, talk about gory!!! For those of you who havent watched this movie. The story goes like this - A group of tourists vacationing in Brazil get stranded when their bus meets with an accident. But lo! they find paradise not too far. Paradise consists of the beach, a bar and pretty girls in bikins.. Of course, all the beer and all the drinking get to them and they get robbed right to their bare essentials.. With no money and no clue, they trust a local who takes them to his 'uncle's' house.. Turns out they were schemed into getting to the house by all the villagers (including the bikini clad chics!). And what do the schemers want? the tourists' vital organs.. I mean kidney, liver, heart etc etc...
Now as is the case with any horror movie.. I just dont understand, why in the name of God, would someone write such a story??? Is it that their minds are so demented and twisted? I know, Story writing is an expression of your imagination and creativity. But to imagine and creat such fiction, I just don't get it!. Maybe someone could help me understand the fun in making horror movies and watching them...
Well I for one, have sleepless nights for until a week of watching them And I'm still suffering from the after effects of watching Turistas.. which is why I had to pent out my emotions here!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Wonder Food!

Ok I'm a health buff! Always trying to eat well and excercise and all that healthy stuff. So I just want to share some of my knowledge on this topic. There are many of us who are always on the go and can't care less about what we eat, as long as we eat! Now thats not a good thing; nevertheless it is predominant among the working group. We probably don't even have time to fix food for ourselves, leave alone make sure we're getting all the essential nutrients. But I have discovered something wonderful that had ridden me of this worry - Fortified Cereals!

Yes, Fortied cereals. We all love cereals, in fact, I know people who could even eat cereal for dinner (Guilty!). Some breakfast cereal manufacturers fortify their cereals with more vitamins and minerals that are probably even available in a prenatal! (I've been doing my research) So when you eat your fortified cereal breakfast along with milk.. you'll be getting everything from calcium, iron, protein.. to vitamin B12, Folic Acid and what not.

It is true, Necessity is the mother of invention. And thats how this product came about - to meet the needs of growing percentage of nutrient-deprived people. So stop skipping breakfast or eating doughnuts and muffins.. And give this wonder food a shot!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

My First Blog

I love writing. I can just pour my heart out. I can express things I wouldn't normally be able to express by talking. My husband finds that funny, but then thats how I am!

Anyways, thats why I decided to blog.. There are some days when I read or hear something and I just wanna write or talk about it.. So there'll be plenty of posts that arise from that need.

Things I want to blog about - Oh there'll be a lot of cooking/recipes, experiences, events, etc.. Just anything I want to write about.. So feel free to read and maybe tell me what you think too..

And finally Welcome to 'Life in the Second Quarter'!