Sunday, October 24, 2010

Our tiny human being

It's been a while since I blogged again. And it's not that I don't have anything to say. I have tons to write about, especially about my baby and our journey raising her. So when I did come across a random blog written by a mother about her motherhood, it was a wake up call! We all have these wonderful experiences and events in life, be it good or bad, small or large. And we all think, "Boy am I going to remember this day forever". But it so happens that some of our minds (mine for sure) are incapable of remembering every event that takes place. And this is why I decided to write again.

Today's post is a happy one. We all know that as parents, some days we feel like we're doing an awesome job and some days we feel like we've been defeated. But those defeats don't matter when you first see your child ride her bike all by herself, or recite a nursery rhyme by herself, or say "thank you" to her music teacher at the end of the class without being prompted to do so. Today's joy comes from how Swara identified all the alphabets from the book by herself. Yes! All by herself! And the wonderful thing is that for Swara it was so much fun. She loves learning and loves books. The minute she wakes up, she runs to her book collection and brings me her books to read, one by one until I've had enough. Such is her love her books and she sure did not inherit it from Kartik or me. Anyway, that made life easy while trying to teach her the alphabet. [Highly recommend the fun but educational Leapfrog DVDs]

I know one thing for sure, I'm not going to be one of those pushy moms and direct Swara to do things I want her to do. Instead, we're going to expose her to a world of opportunities and let her decide what she wants and likes and support her through it. Cause I want her to be her own tiny human being. So if its books she loves, then it's a library we're getting her!

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