Thursday, November 1, 2007

Wonder Food!

Ok I'm a health buff! Always trying to eat well and excercise and all that healthy stuff. So I just want to share some of my knowledge on this topic. There are many of us who are always on the go and can't care less about what we eat, as long as we eat! Now thats not a good thing; nevertheless it is predominant among the working group. We probably don't even have time to fix food for ourselves, leave alone make sure we're getting all the essential nutrients. But I have discovered something wonderful that had ridden me of this worry - Fortified Cereals!

Yes, Fortied cereals. We all love cereals, in fact, I know people who could even eat cereal for dinner (Guilty!). Some breakfast cereal manufacturers fortify their cereals with more vitamins and minerals that are probably even available in a prenatal! (I've been doing my research) So when you eat your fortified cereal breakfast along with milk.. you'll be getting everything from calcium, iron, protein.. to vitamin B12, Folic Acid and what not.

It is true, Necessity is the mother of invention. And thats how this product came about - to meet the needs of growing percentage of nutrient-deprived people. So stop skipping breakfast or eating doughnuts and muffins.. And give this wonder food a shot!


Ne-Na-M said...

downright hilarious and so "GAYA":)...i knew you would write something about health and fitness, havent we seen u freak out on nutritious food esp from namdhari and those dance hours after work...still ur on IT;) WElcome to Blog world babe and love your style of writing.

Gayatri said...

ne-na-m: Yay! My first comment.. I hope Im replying the right way.. Thanks N!
Yea u'll see a lot more posts on health.. If anything, I hope u laugh at them atleast! :D